❈ ½" Flat Non-interlocking Lid

Please Note: We have retired our shop and are no longer building custom boxes.

Flat Non-interlocking vs Flat InterlockingThese two pictures show the difference between a basic flat lid (1) and a flat panel that has been routed for interlock (2).

A flat lid box is just that ... a simple, flat panel of wood used for the lid that is hinged to the base fo the box. Hinge options are limited. Butt hinges mounted on the inside, or mounted on the outside of the box, work best for this box style.

1/2'' Flat Poplar
Poplar ½" Flat Lid Box

1/2'' Flat Ash
Ash ½" Flat Lid Box

1/2'' Flat Walnut
Walnut ½" Flat Lid Box